Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Library & Learning Centre

Sandglass Timer Icon


7:30 am - 3:30 pm


7:30 am - 3:00

Closures are posted on

library doors & Instagram

People Glyph Icon

Teacher Librarian

Ms. A. Eric

Mrs. M. Pazin

Library Technician

Mrs. F. (Mercado) Downes

Library Services

Wide selection of fiction and non-fiction materials including:

  • novels
  • anthologies
  • biographies & memoirs
  • graphic novels + manga
  • reference materials
  • poetry
  • etc.

chromebooks for in-library use

Access print and online databases

Citation guides and reference assistance

Research assistance from library staff

Black & White Printing = $0.10 per page

Color Printing = $0.25 per page

Photocopying = FREE! .

Students cannot print from own device.

Borrow a chromebook to print at the library

Printing & photo




Open 7:30 am to 3:30 pm

Group work and individual work spaces

Paper, pencils, pens, and other school supplies available for use

Wi-Fi and school account access

Reset school passwords

Computer assistance




book & chromebook loans

Research +


Students can reset their school password with

Library rules & Policies

Monoline No Food and Drink Allowed Icon


(except water)

Red Cross Illustration
Thick Hoodie Wear
Gray Baseball Cap Illustration
Vector Image
Textured Handdrawn Cutout Risograph Striped Scarf


except on Civvies & Spirit Days

Gym & OLMC Club/Team hoodies

DO NOT count as uniform

All non-uniform items must be/stay in locker or bag during school hours

two week

book loans

Check due date card on back of the book & renew your book to avoid late fees

Late fees = $0.20 per day. Max $5 per book


Chromebooks are

in-library use only

ask your teacher if you can work in the library if you need to use our chromebooks during class

Geometric Textured Home Office Standing Desk
Geometric Quarter Circle Cut Out Shape
home decor circle table

1 person per table in individual study area

4 people max. at green tables

6 people max at circle tables

if you want to sit with more people, please go to the cafeteria or foyer

Have your student id

have your student ID ready to sign out books or chromebooks from the library

id card icon

online resources

Access the wide variety of e-Resources available to all DPCDSB students

Below is a list of the most popular e-Resources

OLMC Library Catalogue

Search our collection online.

SORA/OverDrive app

Access DPCDSB’s e-Book and audiobook collection.

Can also access Mississauga Public Library’s e-Book collection.

GALE eBooks

database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources (including ebooks) for multidisciplinary research

GALE General OneFile

one-stop source for news and journal articles on a wide range of topics, including computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, law, literature and art, politics, the sciences, sports, and many more. Updated daily

GALE Power Search

one-stop source for news and journal articles on a wide range of topics, including computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, law, literature and art, politics, the sciences, sports, and many more. Updated daily

GALE Academic OneFile

provides users access to peer-reviewed, full-text articles that cover the sciences, technology, medicine, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects. Updated daily.

Encyclopedia Britannica School Edition

provides a wealth of encyclopedia content that includes articles, images, videos, primary sources, e-books, and recommended Web sites, and a world atlas.

Canadian Encypedia (English Edition)

provides Canadians and others with accurate, updated information about our people and country


Discovery Portal

digital photos, maps, videos, podcasts, and documents about Ontario people, places, events, history and culture.

World Digital Library

discover, study, and enjoy cultural treasures and significant historical documents from all countries and cultures.

National Geographic Maps

locate nearly any place on Earth. Search and print historical, weather, and population maps, and more. Requires free sign-up.


streaming video and eLearning Modules spanning a variety of core subject areas and grade levels

National Film Board of Canada

Canada's public film and digital media producer and distributor of documentary films, animation, web documentaries and alternative dramas. Please note that a large portion of the NFB video collection can only be accessed through an NFB “Compass” subscription.


CBC and Radio-Canada’s online subscriber-based streaming service developed expressly for the Canadian educational community, including school boards, government ministries, universities, colleges and cégeps, and public libraries.

CLICK HERE for a full list of e-Resources

Accelerated reader Program

when children get hooked on books”, they acquire, involuntarily and without conscious effort, nearly all of the …language skills people are concerned about.”

-Stephen Krashen The Power of Reading

What is the Accelerated Reader Program (AR)?

Grade 9 & Grade 10 English students choose books to read for 5% of their final mark. Students take a multiple choice test on the book they’ve read to obtain points. Each book is worth points, and students are required to get a certain amount of points by the end of the semester to get 5%.

  • Grade 9s = 20 points
  • Grade 10 Applied = 15 points
  • Grade 10 Academic = 25 points

How does the AR Program work?

  • Student chooses a book to read with an AR test. To check which books are in the program, reading levels and AR points, go to

  • When finished reading, students take a multiple choice test on the book they’ve read. The AR test is taken on a computer at the Library.
  • To take a test, students must bring:
    • signed permission form from their English teacher
    • Student ID
    • Book they read (if borrowed from the library) and any other overdue book from the library
    • cash to pay to any library fines they have
  • The test is not timed and based on the reader’s comprehension of the book. Depending on the difficulty of the book, the test may have 10 or 20 questions.
  • Students need to get 60% on the test to gain points.
  • Students cannot retake tests, even if they fail the test. They must choose a new book after each test until they reach all their points

Library volunteers

Students are welcome to come in during their lunch and/or after school to earn volunteer/community service hours at the library.

Examples of Volunteer Tasks:

  • shelving books & tidying up book shelves
  • pulling/locating books in shelves
  • laminating books
  • wiping tables & chairs
  • cutting library materials (i.e. free bookmarks)
  • decorating and display setup for special events (i.e. Halloween, Christmas)